Rafaël - traduction vers français
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Rafaël - traduction vers français

Rafael (disambiguation); Rafael (footballer); Rafaël; Rafael (footballer, born 1982)

n. Rafael, male first name
Eitan, Hebrew name; Rafael Eitan, former chief of staff of the Israeli defense forces, member of the Israeli parliament, "Raful"
Raphaël Eytan      
Rafael Eitan, former chief of staff of the Israeli defense forces, member of the Israeli parliament, "Raful"


·adj Like Raphael's works; in Raphael's manner of painting.



Rafael may refer to:

  • Rafael (given name) or Raphael, a name of Hebrew origin
  • Rafael, California
  • Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, Israeli manufacturer of weapons and military technology
  • Hurricane Rafael, a 2012 hurricane
Exemples de prononciation pour Rafaël
1. RAFAEL: Exactly.
Effective Development Work _ Nelson Mattos + More _ Talks at Google
2. RAFAEL: Exactly.
Effective Development Work _ Nelson Mattos + More _ Talks at Google
3. RAFAEL: Wonderful.
Effective Development Work _ Nelson Mattos + More _ Talks at Google
4. Josiah and Rafael. OK.
In Pursuit of Excellence _ Josiah Citrin _ Talks at Google
5. We had Rafael Esquer
Exemples du corpus de texte pour Rafaël
1. Arroyo vient se réfugier en France en 1'58, en opposant au franquisme; un franquisme que les Espagnols d‘Equipo Cronica (Rafaël Sobes et Manuel Valdes) prennent également pour cible dans leurs imitations d‘śuvres cél';bres.
2. A l‘époque, le premier ministre Menahem Begin et le chef de l‘état–major de l‘armée Rafaël Eytan s‘étaient empressés de diffuser la nouvelle en se flattant d‘avoir «empęché un nouvel Holocauste». Laboratoire nucléaire?